Thursday, July 7, 2011

Centrelink...the blasted thing! is CLAIMING ASSISTANCE MONEY 101:

To require financial help from the government one has to
1. Prove that they have a job to support themselves financially and prove that you dont actually need the assistance money
2. Go on the net and fill out X-amount of forms that take forever that that condradict everything you say and wont allow you to fill things in correctly
3. Sit for an hour and wait while said forms are being assessed.
4. Go to the Help-lady to ask for assistance, whereupon being told she is not legally allowed to help you
5. Go home and get your parents (that you are not living with anymore qand which is the reason why you are trying to claim for youth allowance) to fill out another load of forms that invade your bank privacy and entail the said parents to get frustrated with student claiming for extra money because her bank statements are all out of order
6. Go back to Centrelink and pray that you've filled everything out correctly.

Well, this has been my life for the past 2 years, and we have been at Centrelink all morning trying to figure stuff out. What ****s me is that a person who is homeless, penniless, and a no-hoper can waltz into Centrelink and get given money straight away. People like me who actually want to ACCOMPLISH something in their life have to struggle to get assistance...not fair. The rule is said that pretty much if I became a drug addict or alcoholic I'd be set for life...i dont know whether its a good thing or not that i'm not any of those things.
Oh well...back to Centrelink stuff...I HATE CENTRELINK...Bomb it!!! ARRRGH!


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