Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wiccan Together

Hey Denners

Got loads to talk about seeing as it's been a few weeks since my last entry. Dunno if people actually READ by blog but who, looks like I'm talking to myself.

I'm really excited cos I've just joined an online chatroom for Wiccans and Pagans. It's really good so far; I've met a lot of amazing and funny people who are willing to listen and offer advice and friendship and generally make me feel better. i.e never going to forget how funny saying:

IRISH WRISTWATCH out loud was...Hilarious! I was laughing for half an hour.

Of course, Mum is being nazi with the whole thing, I got read the online-stalkers-and-perverts lecture, but I'm not stupid...I know not to give out any personal details...I think I'd be a bit daft if I decided to hand out my Bank account details willy-nilly. But yeah, made some cool friends, mostly from America, but one person lives in Perth so I've another Aussie friend too. LOL! I have had ONE disturbing incident so far. Got harrassed by this one guy that kept trying to HIT ON ME then told me he wasn't but I've reported him and blocked him so it's all good. Fair warning to all you perves out there, leave me alone...I do not want a relationship!

X-men First Class is out in the movies today. That, and the fact that today was the last day of Uni for the semester is the only good thing I have to comment on right now. I have just learned of the most villianous atrocity ever to have will seriously effect my life! That skinny punce Jamie Bower who did some random vampire on Twilight (yuck) is going to do Jace in the movie of City of Bones! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! My life is OVER! My worst fears have been realised! What the **** does Catherine Hardwick think she's doing!? And WHY does SHE have to direct it?! Why not Stephen Sommers or Jerry Bruckheimer...why??? I do believe that in the book it describes Jace as HOT - not a skinny, bug-eyed, poofy-lipped FREAK! Sorry...I have nothing against Jamie Bower but I DO have something against him being's unethical! Why, for God's sake didn't Alex Pettyfer (or someone that looks like him) get the part? I may be wrong...maybe Jamie will play the part ok...but seriously, he looks and sounds like a GIRL! Jamie Campbell doing Jace...have they ****ing lost it?!

*blushes* okay over it now...just really needed to get that off my chest. I hope that Catherine Hardwick will get lots of hate mail about this atrocity that she'll do a recast for someone hotter and less 'feminine' looking. The only sweet solice is the girl who's doing Clary...whom I like very hopefully it'll even it out a bit. I can gag at him and cheer for her. Let me guess...all the other actors who do Simon and Alec will be hotter than Jace (who's supposed to be the hottest out of them all). *mortally destroyed!*


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