Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'll See You In The Summerland

A poem I wrote for my brother, Zahn's 21st Birthday. 20.5.11

I'll meet you in the Summerland
I hope you're waiting for me
Under skies of velvet blue
And soft green endless seas.
I never got to see you
I never got to know
Why you left us so damn early
Or if you miss me so.
I see you in the trees, the sky
On the island where we never played
We would've been the best brother and sister
But of course you never stayed.
I dream of you, I see you
Running over fields of gold
Laughing, smiling, always happy
Youthful, never old.
I see you standing on a cliff
staring out to the setting sun
Impish smile upon your cheeks
Your life cant yet be done.
You're with me on the beach back home
Lying with me under the starry sky
Joking, annoying the hell outta me
At least we would be if you didnt die.
Every time I hear your name
I think of what can never be
Those sibling banters in the hall
Or if you're proud of me.
These blotchy teardrops on the page
Just will not go away
I have nothing of you, nothing
To help me light my way.
Why did you never tease me
Or muffle up my hair
I bet you would've drove me crazy
Oh, this just is not fair!
Sometimes I wish I never knew
That I was meant to have a brother
Maybe I would've been spared the pain
I feel like I'm being smothered.
I have nothing of you
No memories to cry about
But still I manage to miss you
Which leaves me in doubt.
Do you think of your little sister
And the family you left behind
Or do you relish in your own freedom
And the dreams you've yet to find?
Although I'll see you in Summerland
I wish our bond anew
I want you to tell me that you love me
And how much you miss me too.
I want you there to tell me
That i'm crying for a reason
That you are watching me from above
And with me every season.
I wonder what you'd look like
Would you look like me?
I'm betting you'd be handsome
I'm sure that you would be.
While you run through Summer grass
I lie awake at night
Wishing I was there with you
And in your line of sight.
You're gone for good, I know that
But part of me still dreams
That one day I'll finally meet you
An eternity, it seems.
Can you see me, brother?
And the guilt that I feel
I mean, why did I make it and you not?
Surely that wasnt part of te deal!
If you were here you'd tell me
To be grateful I'm alive
To suck it up and make the most of it
This life you were deprived.
So I will live and try, brother
I'll make my dreams come true
Cos I'm not just living for myself, Zahn
I am also living for you.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Aminta

Aminta's 2nd Birthday today and the RSPCA Paws Walk. We raised $284 and Aminta walked very well, though she pulled a lot with all the excitement. Aminta really enjoyed having her best friend, Hannah, along and Mini met another Birthday Dog. 6 yr old Lucy the Cavalier King Charles. Aminta had an awesome day and so did I but I am sooooo tired. Aminta is very tired and had been asleep since we got back home. She got a new bandanah and a coat for her birthday. The best part of the day was when Aminta went for a swim in the pond and misjudged the depth and went under. hehe! You couldnt help but giggle with glee.


Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hey Denners.

Been a few days. Been sick with Tonsilitis for a few days *bleuch* wont fill you in with all the gory details though cos you may stop reading. I really hate being stuck in bed all day with either my nan trying to sucker me up with proposals to cook and look after me like an overly desperate nursemaid, or complining that just cos I'm sick I cant just sit around and do nothing. *sigh* I can never win. I suppose that's what Granny's are for.

It's a very special day tomorrow. Not only is my Aminta baby 2 years old but she's also entering the RSPCA Million Paws Walk '11!!!! 4km walk! GO MINI! Chrystal and Hannah are joining me so I wont be going through it alone. Although it's a good excuse to talk to people. Mainly guys. Dogs make good conversation starters. Who knows...I may see that hot Maori guy I met down the Spit there:P

Besides that I've got LOADS of stuff to do for Uni. Got another oral on next week >.<

(ARRRRGHHHH....I'm getting sick of watching that bloody "exit mould" ad! It's been on like 20 times today...And I've been in front of the TV all day!)


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First Gym Injury!!! GO ME!

My new favourite Quote of the Day:


Went to the gym last night to do this Circuit thingo with Chrystal and DAMN my shoulderblades are killing me! Also, I aquired my first gym injury last night. The damn BIKE attacked me. Silly Phil didn't warn me that the bike peddles DIDN'T STOP until AFTER I had 3 big gashes up my leg!Yes...I look like my cat had a disagreement with me! How attractive >.<
Besides that, I got to kick the crap out of the punching bag to let off some much needed steam but the funniest thing about gym is that Chrystal and I are LOONIES! We seriously do not take it seriously. Everyone else in there has their 'game-faces' on and we're cackling to ourselves and trying to push each other over!! Haha! Ode to be young! I'm getting better at the leg-ups and what not but I think I was in a weird position when I did them last night cos of my sore back. Lol.

Again, I am totally obsessed with the GARGOYLES. Just finished the first season and the last few episodes were a CRACK UP! My Favourite lines so far in it are:
*An explosion outside rocks the cinema Lex, Brooklyn and Broadway are in*
Broadway: "Wow...that surroundsound's really gettin good..."
Lexington: "I don't remember any explosions in Bambi...:S"


Brooklyn: Yeah, use THE FORCE, Lex >.<

They are soooo funny. But my favourite episode so far was the one where Elisa (the cop) gets shot. The quote in there is something Hudson, one of the Gargoyles says: "Tv...video games...these days its hard to tell what's REAL anymore." And Broadway is loving movies about guns and shooting, and when he's playing with Elisa's gun it goes off and hits her (blood and everything...hey! It's Disney). The bullet almost kills her and from then on Broadway HATES guns. But the moral of the episode was really good. Children these days (and I suppose back then as well) watch TV and play games with guns and that but they dont understand the implications of shooting someone else would be. Guns are not cool and I liked that that episode was trying to get that across to kids. Oh, the days when Disney made awesome TV shows. These days it's crap stuff like Dora the Explorer.

(GEEZ, a Storm has just made it's way into Beenleigh...ITS BLOWIN A GAIL!!!!!)

Almost finished doing all my Uni stuff...this month is full of Orals (EWWWWWWW). So not looking forward to it, but I think I'll enjoy my first one with Kerry, Beti and Haylee...we make a good group. And although this doesnt really fit the situation but It's Not Where You Are, It's Who You're With...hate my class and orals but I love my group:) Speaking of Uni, gotta type something else out.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Highwayman

Hey Denner-people.

Oh My God! They're FINALLY making my all-time favourite poem into a movie...THE HIGHWAYMAN should be coming out this or next year!!!! Trailer hasnt come out yet so I'm kinda bummed about that. BUT SO EXCITED!!!!!! And I've memorised ALL the lyrics to the poem (it helps when they make a song out of it. Download it, it's by Loreena McIntosh).

I've spent the last 2 days typing up my winged-kids story that I have called BEYOND THE CLOUDS. I've already written 20 odd pages!!! Amazing. Now the battle will be to finish it! Got my awesome new jacket today...sweet. Cant wait till it's cold enough to wear it. Cant believe I just said that...I hate winter!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Assessment No. 1.

hey Denners


Okay...only JUST passed but at least I passed. There's only room to move upwards now:) Harry, our tutor, said that 15/30 is a good mark for 1st year students:)


Monday, May 2, 2011

Just Another Day

Hey Denners.

Today has been a lazy day for me which is a relief after all the hussle and bustle yesterday. I woke up at 10am and went to the Gym with Chrystal an hour later. We didnt find the Crunches and Leg-ups as hard today, although Chrystal seems to be struggling with the arm weights. We're both doing fairly well with the leg toners. I think, going by approximation here, I got rid of about 120 calories, which is good...work off the Maccas I had a few days ago:S
Mostly I've been at home enjoying my favourite pasttime...drawing. Did an awesome picture of my winged girl, Kit, and the Blue Mountains in the background. I kinda cheated and blacked the background out a lot, but I know where my strengths lie and it certainly isnt in landscape...hate drawing landscape but I didnt just wanna leave it blank.

I haven't got too much to do Uni-wise. Well, to put it bluntly, I CANT do anything much to do with Uni except my Socio-Cultural poster for our Group Presentation. I cant do my Intro to Ed thing cos (AS USUAL) no one has sent me their stuff for me to type notes up on!!! We met Wednesday last week for a group meeting and they all said they'd email me their notes over the weekend. It is now Monday and the "script" is due on Wednesday this week. Knowing my group they'll probably send me their stuff he night before and expect me to have it done by the next morning, ready to go. Sorry...I may be the Time Keeper for our group and as such I'm in charge of making the Presentation run smoothly, but I cant do it by myself, especially when I have nothing to go by! *sigh* Mum just tells me to go with it, but it's hard when your overall Grade is judged by what EVERYONE does. I'm not someone who can get up in front of people and "wing it", I need practise and it helps to know what I'm DOING before I get up and yammer on infront of people. How can I possibly pass this assessment when my group isnt letting me?! And to finish off my rant about the injustices of Uni life I cant do my ICT subject either cos I need Claire for that and time in class...Claire better be in class tomorrow cos if she isnt I'm gunna blow my top! If she is I really wanna knuckle down and get HEAPS done in our 3hr session...since class time is really the only time we can do this assignment. And with my Drama class all I really have to do is read some of the plays in our textbook and choose which ones I'd like to do and get back to my group about it. I'm not too worried about my Drama and Socio class cos my group are awesome and I get along with them...just worried about my Intro to Ed and ICT class. (just heard back from my Socio class so it's all good).

Alright...better get on with making my Socio poster:) Should be good seeing as I have to use my GOOD ART paper to make it *sniff*


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Beach

Hey Denners

Back from the beach and have had a lovely time with Chrystal, Hannah and Louise. Louise and Aminta really hit it off and poor Louise seemed reluctant to say goodbye to Aminta at the end of the day. I think we'll be going out later for a walk in the park so Ami and Louise can have one more romp. Enjoyed the beach as always...had strawberry icecream which was really nice. Geez, the coned icecream costs cheaper than the packaged stuff!

So tired so I'm gunna call it a day.


Lots of exercise

Hey Denners

Just a quick one today.
Sitting at the computer now with a mug of hot tea and some vegemite on bread, trying to relax after our early morning gym sesh. Been pretty good, lost about 100 calories, so that covers the chocolate I had yesterday...Dunno about he Maccas!
Going to the beach later on with Aminta, Chrystal, Hannah and her 10 year old cousin, Louise. Should be interesting, but after the workout my legs can barely move!!! Just sitting down is straining them...yeah, I'm pussy, but so what. There were a few hot guys at the gym today...none of the comic book characters showed up though, so no laughing-time for me.

May put up some photos later about our beach fun, but I am already dog-tired so I'll see how I go.
