Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First Gym Injury!!! GO ME!

My new favourite Quote of the Day:


Went to the gym last night to do this Circuit thingo with Chrystal and DAMN my shoulderblades are killing me! Also, I aquired my first gym injury last night. The damn BIKE attacked me. Silly Phil didn't warn me that the bike peddles DIDN'T STOP until AFTER I had 3 big gashes up my leg!Yes...I look like my cat had a disagreement with me! How attractive >.<
Besides that, I got to kick the crap out of the punching bag to let off some much needed steam but the funniest thing about gym is that Chrystal and I are LOONIES! We seriously do not take it seriously. Everyone else in there has their 'game-faces' on and we're cackling to ourselves and trying to push each other over!! Haha! Ode to be young! I'm getting better at the leg-ups and what not but I think I was in a weird position when I did them last night cos of my sore back. Lol.

Again, I am totally obsessed with the GARGOYLES. Just finished the first season and the last few episodes were a CRACK UP! My Favourite lines so far in it are:
*An explosion outside rocks the cinema Lex, Brooklyn and Broadway are in*
Broadway: "Wow...that surroundsound's really gettin good..."
Lexington: "I don't remember any explosions in Bambi...:S"


Brooklyn: Yeah, use THE FORCE, Lex >.<

They are soooo funny. But my favourite episode so far was the one where Elisa (the cop) gets shot. The quote in there is something Hudson, one of the Gargoyles says: "Tv...video games...these days its hard to tell what's REAL anymore." And Broadway is loving movies about guns and shooting, and when he's playing with Elisa's gun it goes off and hits her (blood and everything...hey! It's Disney). The bullet almost kills her and from then on Broadway HATES guns. But the moral of the episode was really good. Children these days (and I suppose back then as well) watch TV and play games with guns and that but they dont understand the implications of shooting someone else would be. Guns are not cool and I liked that that episode was trying to get that across to kids. Oh, the days when Disney made awesome TV shows. These days it's crap stuff like Dora the Explorer.

(GEEZ, a Storm has just made it's way into Beenleigh...ITS BLOWIN A GAIL!!!!!)

Almost finished doing all my Uni stuff...this month is full of Orals (EWWWWWWW). So not looking forward to it, but I think I'll enjoy my first one with Kerry, Beti and Haylee...we make a good group. And although this doesnt really fit the situation but It's Not Where You Are, It's Who You're With...hate my class and orals but I love my group:) Speaking of Uni, gotta type something else out.


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