Monday, May 2, 2011

Just Another Day

Hey Denners.

Today has been a lazy day for me which is a relief after all the hussle and bustle yesterday. I woke up at 10am and went to the Gym with Chrystal an hour later. We didnt find the Crunches and Leg-ups as hard today, although Chrystal seems to be struggling with the arm weights. We're both doing fairly well with the leg toners. I think, going by approximation here, I got rid of about 120 calories, which is off the Maccas I had a few days ago:S
Mostly I've been at home enjoying my favourite pasttime...drawing. Did an awesome picture of my winged girl, Kit, and the Blue Mountains in the background. I kinda cheated and blacked the background out a lot, but I know where my strengths lie and it certainly isnt in landscape...hate drawing landscape but I didnt just wanna leave it blank.

I haven't got too much to do Uni-wise. Well, to put it bluntly, I CANT do anything much to do with Uni except my Socio-Cultural poster for our Group Presentation. I cant do my Intro to Ed thing cos (AS USUAL) no one has sent me their stuff for me to type notes up on!!! We met Wednesday last week for a group meeting and they all said they'd email me their notes over the weekend. It is now Monday and the "script" is due on Wednesday this week. Knowing my group they'll probably send me their stuff he night before and expect me to have it done by the next morning, ready to go. Sorry...I may be the Time Keeper for our group and as such I'm in charge of making the Presentation run smoothly, but I cant do it by myself, especially when I have nothing to go by! *sigh* Mum just tells me to go with it, but it's hard when your overall Grade is judged by what EVERYONE does. I'm not someone who can get up in front of people and "wing it", I need practise and it helps to know what I'm DOING before I get up and yammer on infront of people. How can I possibly pass this assessment when my group isnt letting me?! And to finish off my rant about the injustices of Uni life I cant do my ICT subject either cos I need Claire for that and time in class...Claire better be in class tomorrow cos if she isnt I'm gunna blow my top! If she is I really wanna knuckle down and get HEAPS done in our 3hr session...since class time is really the only time we can do this assignment. And with my Drama class all I really have to do is read some of the plays in our textbook and choose which ones I'd like to do and get back to my group about it. I'm not too worried about my Drama and Socio class cos my group are awesome and I get along with them...just worried about my Intro to Ed and ICT class. (just heard back from my Socio class so it's all good).

Alright...better get on with making my Socio poster:) Should be good seeing as I have to use my GOOD ART paper to make it *sniff*


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