Hey people
Have you ever had one of those times where you wish you could go back in time and alter past events that had a big impact on your life? I have more than enough of those, but in this case I am talking about an impact I potentially had on someone else's life...and I wish more than anything that I could go back and change it...or at least say how sorry I was.
I've lost count how many years have gone by but I think I was about 12 at the time. We had a new arrival on Cocos, Antionette, and although me and my buds accepted her into our group at first we quickly turned our backs on her when we realised that she was a bit "odd." It wasnt just that; she was a bit violent too, and if she didnt get her way she'd scratch us with her abnormally long nails. We all hated and feared her, and although I was a bit more tactful when it came to dealing with her I still admit now that I was wrong to do it. No one ever wants to admit they were a bully, and I've had more than my fair share of it, but in a way we were bullying her, and probably at a time when she needed friends. Albeit, it's kind of hard to stick by someone when they wanna rip your face off with one wrong word, but it still wasnt right on my part.
I want to put it down to the fact that I was young and didnt understand but I think I'd be lying if I didnt say that I noticed something off about her family. Her father, Martin, scared me so much, and her mother didnt seem to give two ****s about her. I suppose that's where all her problems stemmed from. In a way, I guess she was abused, so it's not really her fault with the way she turned out.
I wish I could have understood a bit more then and realised what she was going through. She was still weird and creepy and dirty, but we could have helped her. We could have at least tolerated her until she left Cocos. We all used to joke and make fun of her, and yes I still tell all those funny stories today, but I do regret them.
I just wish I knew where she was now. What she was doing, how she was. If she has changed, or got worse. I just wish I could apologise.
To finish up I'd just like to say...IT'S FREEZING COLD TODAY! I slept with my jumper on last night. Dont get it! Its' sunny outside and it's not even Winter yet! *pouts* My poor puppy is in her jumper too.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Feel the Pain, LOVE the Pain!!!
Hi y'all
Coco here. (Coco being my new nickname at Uni...sweet!) So ultra excited at the moment but feeling like a pile of GOO!
Chrystal introduced me to a Gym in Beenleigh and we had our first sesh tonight. We were there from 8 - 9pm with our personal trainer guy hovering over us and making sure we hurt in places I didnt even realise I had! Ahhhh! Seriously! My shoulderblades are gunna CAIN tomorrow! We're hoping to go at least 3 times a week, and it's only $20 for a fortnight...which is all well and dandy if you have $$$$ coming in...which I sadly do not. Makes it a bit hard, not just on me but my poor mother as well. I made a promise that by the time she comes back to QLD I will have a job...even if it's shizz! So...Gym4 is awesome! We start with the bikes for 5 minutes, then we do the rounds with the weights, then we stop and do some weird sit/push ups (WHICH KILL BTW...proud of myself...I will conquer this mountain!), then we finish with (my personal favourite) the rowing machine *drools*
Chrystal introduced me to a Gym in Beenleigh and we had our first sesh tonight. We were there from 8 - 9pm with our personal trainer guy hovering over us and making sure we hurt in places I didnt even realise I had! Ahhhh! Seriously! My shoulderblades are gunna CAIN tomorrow! We're hoping to go at least 3 times a week, and it's only $20 for a fortnight...which is all well and dandy if you have $$$$ coming in...which I sadly do not. Makes it a bit hard, not just on me but my poor mother as well. I made a promise that by the time she comes back to QLD I will have a job...even if it's shizz! So...Gym4 is awesome! We start with the bikes for 5 minutes, then we do the rounds with the weights, then we stop and do some weird sit/push ups (WHICH KILL BTW...proud of myself...I will conquer this mountain!), then we finish with (my personal favourite) the rowing machine *drools*
As for Hot blokes, I have spied a few but I tell ya there's some comic book characters floating around the gym as well. There are a few guys that look like they have tiny heads and MACHO arms...kinda like that part in Disney's HERCULES when Herc says "I'm an Action Figure" and squeezes the doll! It's hilarious! I cant believe those guys think they look attractive...they just look bloody hilarious to me! It's hard to keep from laughing. I suppose they're gym-junkies. But Chrystal and I are gunna have to live up to that rep for the first few months at least and go to the gym as much as possible. My goal is this: I wanna be chissled and toned, and I wanna be able to run a distance without having to resort to my Puffer! I really wanna get my lungs up to scratch cos I am sick of every time I get a cold it is quickly followed by Bronchitis or some sort of respitory tract infection! No more of that, I tell ya!
So...What else has been happening in the life of Kire...not much I'm afraid. I'd sucked myself up for my Fluvax yesterday and didnt cry (new improvement) but my arm still hurts like Hell *sniff* And I'm on holidays from Uni at the moment, which is all good but I have been mega bored except when I'm with Chrystal. Hopefully this gym thing will take up enough of my life that I wont be bored anymore.
Was drawing and story planning all day today and did a semi-nice picture. Been wanting to write my story about winged children for a while but I have a slight complication. I want to make it so that when people pick it up off the shelf they'll go "Awesome! this sounds like Maximum Ride!" but then not be thinking "oh, she just copied this from Max R." So...gotta think of a way to make it original but I like the idea of scientists mucking around with human DNA to create a whole different thing altogether. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!
Anyway...Better get back to doing my assignment, then I'll be going to bed. Despite what the time on the website says it is actually 10:15pm at the moment.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sitting in my ICT class at the moment and dreaming about happier times...i.e. a time about an hour ago before I was in class. All's well and good, I mean, Wayne is funny and all and I get to spend some time with my ICT pals, but the only draw back is that my ICT partner has not turned up today so I cant get any work done. Sucked in...totally. Don't get me wrong I AM listening to the discussions...I am a girl, and as such can multi-task:)
Going to the Hickson's for dinner tonight cos it's Mum and Didi's last day *cries*. Probably only hang around for a little while cos I'll probably start sneezing after 1 minute of walking through their door. The only good thing about Mum and Didi leaving is that my office will be junk-free...small consolation I assure you. I'm gunna really miss my mummy:'( It's is soooo hard being over here in this Hellhole without my parent's support. Despite that Mum and I get into catfights every other day. We almost made 5 days without any hissy fits!!! Totally amazing! Mum broke the record today...keep trying mum, just BREATHE and grit your teeth at my 20year-oldness
Alright...Better get back to work...SAVE ME!!!!!
Going to the Hickson's for dinner tonight cos it's Mum and Didi's last day *cries*. Probably only hang around for a little while cos I'll probably start sneezing after 1 minute of walking through their door. The only good thing about Mum and Didi leaving is that my office will be junk-free...small consolation I assure you. I'm gunna really miss my mummy:'( It's is soooo hard being over here in this Hellhole without my parent's support. Despite that Mum and I get into catfights every other day. We almost made 5 days without any hissy fits!!! Totally amazing! Mum broke the record today...keep trying mum, just BREATHE and grit your teeth at my 20year-oldness
Alright...Better get back to work...SAVE ME!!!!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My office is Over-run by parents!!!
Hey people... Well, it is now 3 days since Mum and Dieter arrived for their 5 day stay and as much as I'll miss the hell outta them I'll be glad when I get my office back to its former glory. AKA, messy and MINE. Haven't really done much since they arrived. Just had loads of BBQ's and bummed around inside. The weather has been fairly shitty so I have refrained from going outside. It's not raining but it's soooo dreary...I slept in till 10am this morning and totally missed out on my hot bacon and eggs:( Poor me. I haven't found a lot of time to study either. Although that's kind of a blessing seeing as I wanna spend all this time with mummy. I am trying to story plan at the moment. I have so many ideas for a supernatural story but I dont want it to sound too much like anything else. It's aggrivating. Like, I wanna name my were 'Jacob' but Twilight has killed what's left of my respect for that name. And I LOVE the name Alcide (means strong man) but again, it's already taken for a were. *Sigh*...why do I have to be an aspiring author...it does nothing but give me a headache and never goes anywhere. And it's hard cos any time they have a werewolf story it's always in europe or america...why would a werewolf be in Aust? I like the aussie myths about the Lithgow panthers and such, so maybe have a ailuranthrope (werecat) instead. *sigh* nope...I keep going on and I'll definitely give myself a headache. I am so bored. Chrystal is out camping so I have no one to hang with. BUT I have aquired a new nickname at UNI. My tutorer in my 1013 class calls me Coco or Cocos. And now everyone else is calling me that:) Fine by me. Kire
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Mushroom chairs and Madness
Hi people!
Very excited today cos I got my brand, spanking new BLUE mushroom chair!!! WOOHOO! Sadly Aminta's already claimed it as her own. AND...I'm giving myself a headache trying to figure out where to put it...my bedroom is only so big. So...I may have to change things around in there. But truth is, I really like my bedroom set up. And I like where my altar is and I dont wanna move it. Sucks how I have to have such a GIGANTIC closet. I'm one of those girls who dont need closet space and I have a whole wall of it. There's so many other things I'd like to do with that wall ( i.e. put my bed up that end) but NO....May have to wrestle with mum and ask her to get rid of it...dunno if that's possible. AND I want a plasma screen in my room, but if it's mounted on the wall i'd have no problem with it.
Anyway...just many musings.
I watched Alice in Wonderland for the first time last night. Was it just me or was Tim Burton implying some romance between Alice and The Hatter???? If so *shudder* Not that you couldnt fall in love with Johnny Depp. He's awesome! After watching the movie Chrystal and I had a good yarn. I like our friendship...our conversations often get VERY deep...it's nice. And each time we talk I think we learn something new about each other.
Took some awesome photo's yesterday. The one of Mia the possessed cat, some ones of Aminta and myself and loads of piccies of cool cloud formations. I got some good shots I think. Love the one of Aminta and me. She looks like she's going: "ookkaayyy....scary person with camera, get it away from me!"
Alrighty...assignment time *arrgh*
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Gargoyles and other randomness
Hey Buddies
Alright, I'm probably gunna babble on and on and on for like ages, mainly cos I really have nothing so say but if I type for long enough maybe the words will flow down through my fingers and onto the kayboard by themselves.
I was a good girl for the better part of the day. Spent 4 hours doing my assignment and got half of it done. You would not believe how fast the time went by. It LITERALLY flew! I started my assignment at about 11am and by the time I looked at the clock again it was already 2:30! I was like "okay...break time, take the dog for a walk..." Whilst in the park I met up with Amy and her lovely puppy, Honey. We talked about loads of stuff, none of which I can mention on live feed but needless to say it was deep girly stuff! Then I came home and watched a couple of episodes of MEDIUM (wish I was Allison DuBois!) and pigged out on S&V chips and maltesers! YUMM!!
Mum and Didi are now currently on Fraser Island doing fun stuff while I'm stuck in boring QLD where the weather wont make up its mind. Seriously. One day is FREEZING cold and the next day its BOILING hot! No wonder my sinus is playing up! Sheesh!
I am TOTALLY obsessed with this old show GARGOYLES! It's an old show but new to me. My friend Chrystal got me into it and I'm glad she did. I dont wanna finish the DVD cos they havent made the 2nd and 3rd season into a DVD! Its totally not fair! I want more Goliathness!!! *Drools* Soooooo hot for a stone monster! And totally chivalrous. Why cant guys live up to those standards. But I shouldnt really be surprised...Gargoyles was created by Disney. What's the saying???....I blame Disney for my problem in finding a guy. Or something like that. Me, like most girls these days, wants a prince to come along on his white steed and whisk me off into my Happily ever after...although I know it's never going to happen. But there's no harm in wishing, is there? Although I'm over guys right now...ARGH! Blur cases the lot of them!
I'm very excited, I should mention. I went to Soul Connection the other day for the Hell of it and walked out with 2 babysitting jobs. So, excited Me who doesnt have a job:S BUT, but but but! Thats not the best of it. One of the psychics there overheard me say I want to work with animals so she is willing to train me FOR FREE how to look after her horses!!! O.M.G! She said she'll teach me to saddle them, groom them, but also how to treat minor injuries and such. SO EXCITED! She's moving house so she said she'd give me a call in about 2 weeks! WOOHOO!
And, on the last happy note i (L) my Venus Fly Trap. It's soooo cool. But it's kinda gross that the fly it caught yesterday and that is stuck halfway in its jaws is STILL ALIVE!!! ARRGH! But it's very interesting to watch. The picture shows said fly and awesome Fly Trap. How cool is it that a plant, which is a type of flora, eats like a fauna. Maybe thats just the nerd in me.
Alright. Bye peoples
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Gardening and other such boring stuff
Hey Y'all
Today was just about as boring as the last. Took Nan to Mitre10 for some shopping and came our with like 15 plants. One of which is a Passionfruit vine we hope to put in the corner of the garden. But after being viciously attacked by that wolf spider yesterday I'm a tad reluctant to venture back in to it's domain. But I've planted the plants I wanted in MY garden. I have laid claim to the garden in front of my room. It is now officially mine:)
Aminta keeps giving me mournful looks. Have no idea why. She looks like I'm about to hit her or something. strange. Probably looking at me like that cos she wasnt allowed to help with the gardening. I think, and Mum would agree, that Ami's done enough gardening to last her a life time.
Gotta attack my assignment for my Drama class today. *ARRGH* Soooo dont want to, but I have to have it done by Thursday and I'm kinda running out of time, although this assignment looks fairly easy. Only 1500 words so I'm sweet. I told myself as long as I get the draft done over the weekend I'll then have 4 days to fix it all up and make it pretty. Well, that's what I keep telling myself at least. My assignments is about how to use Communication in the classroom to help promote the self-esteem and self-concept of the children. I'm fairly passionate about children having strong self-esteem (since mine was squashed by many unscrupulous characters when I was little), so I want my future class to be confident and whatnot to make up for my lack of... BTW, the Body language piccie, if you haven't read that book, read it. It's VERY interesting! You feel like a spy or something afterwards...or maybe thats just me...:S
(This is awesome. My blog post automatically saves like every minute! How sweet is that? Well...I find it interesting)
Anyway...Gotta take Nan shopping. Cyaz
P.S. MUM AND DIDI ARE COMING IN 6 DAYS!!! YAY - - - Bring on the catfights!!!
Friday, April 8, 2011
The "RAT"
I couldn't help but adding another blog post just to show the sheer idocy of this picture! This is Aminta this time last week just after her haircut...she looks like a dumb rat!
Okay...over it now...This was also a way to practise uploading photos, although I'm well aware that I need to practise shrinking the images.
By the way...you have to watch this Youtube Video...watched it last week at Uni...WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU'RE AS BORED AS I AM NOW:
Day in the life of Moi
I am *so* not with it today. All I wanna do is go back to bed with a mug of hot chocolate with loads of soggy marshmallows. But alas, fate, or moreso my Uni assignments, prevent me from doing this. It is one of those rainy cold days where all you wanna do is curl up on the couch and watch bad daytime TV...*shudder* yeah, I'm not that desperate. My only consolation is that I am putting up with this boredom with my best friend and protector, Aminta-Rose. In case no one knows, Aminta is my 2 year old Groodle "puppy." She just got a new hair cut last week and she looks like a drowned RAT! I'm a mean mummy, aren't I?! I'm currently excited because my Mum and Dieter will be coming over from Cocos for a few days. Probably going to be short-lived cos we get into cat fights pretty quickly. Luckily Didi will be here as the mediator. YOU'RE GAME, MAN! I tried to do some gardening today. If you know me you already know I stay as FAR away from the garden as I can. Who seriously wants to get their gorgeous nails dirty and chipped, I ask you? ANYWAy...here's me, trying to be the good samaritine and get the weeding done before the mother comes and flips at the current state of her garden, and LOW AND BEHOLD, what happens??!! I get accosted by a bloody WOLF SPIDER!! ARRRGHHHH!!!! Geez, I hate spiders. I have to admit that I *did* destroy her home when I uprooted a weed, but still! Let's just say I retreated quickly after that and I am now flatly refusing to go back and finish the job. The latest atrocity, however, comes from the News. I get so livid sometimes watching it. Just heard that 4 kids beat a mother swan to death with rocks! HOW DISGUSTING IS THAT!? I am an environmentalist and this kind of blatant animal cruelty disgusts me to no end. It's sad that the father swan hasnt left the nest since it happened. Poor bloke. I hope those kids rot for what they did! Anyway...now that I've let that all out, I feel much better now. However, my epileptic cat, Mia, is doing my head in! She keeps going into my room and sleeping and grooming herself on my new floor mat...her black fur gets all over it! So now I've turned myself into a security guard for my own bedroom and am constantly on patrol so she doesnt break and enter again. Getting citrinella (or however you spell it) tomorrow to spray around my room, hoping to deter her from it. Right...feeding Dog Time...Catcha laterz
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