Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mushroom chairs and Madness

Hi people!

Very excited today cos I got my brand, spanking new BLUE mushroom chair!!! WOOHOO! Sadly Aminta's already claimed it as her own. AND...I'm giving myself a headache trying to figure out where to put it...my bedroom is only so big. So...I may have to change things around in there. But truth is, I really like my bedroom set up. And I like where my altar is and I dont wanna move it. Sucks how I have to have such a GIGANTIC closet. I'm one of those girls who dont need closet space and I have a whole wall of it. There's so many other things I'd like to do with that wall ( i.e. put my bed up that end) but NO....May have to wrestle with mum and ask her to get rid of it...dunno if that's possible. AND I want a plasma screen in my room, but if it's mounted on the wall i'd have no problem with it.

Anyway...just many musings.

I watched Alice in Wonderland for the first time last night. Was it just me or was Tim Burton implying some romance between Alice and The Hatter???? If so *shudder* Not that you couldnt fall in love with Johnny Depp. He's awesome! After watching the movie Chrystal and I had a good yarn. I like our friendship...our conversations often get VERY deep...it's nice. And each time we talk I think we learn something new about each other.

Took some awesome photo's yesterday. The one of Mia the possessed cat, some ones of Aminta and myself and loads of piccies of cool cloud formations. I got some good shots I think. Love the one of Aminta and me. She looks like she's going: "ookkaayyy....scary person with camera, get it away from me!"

Alrighty...assignment time *arrgh*


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