Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hey people

Have you ever had one of those times where you wish you could go back in time and alter past events that had a big impact on your life? I have more than enough of those, but in this case I am talking about an impact I potentially had on someone else's life...and I wish more than anything that I could go back and change it...or at least say how sorry I was.
I've lost count how many years have gone by but I think I was about 12 at the time. We had a new arrival on Cocos, Antionette, and although me and my buds accepted her into our group at first we quickly turned our backs on her when we realised that she was a bit "odd." It wasnt just that; she was a bit violent too, and if she didnt get her way she'd scratch us with her abnormally long nails. We all hated and feared her, and although I was a bit more tactful when it came to dealing with her I still admit now that I was wrong to do it. No one ever wants to admit they were a bully, and I've had more than my fair share of it, but in a way we were bullying her, and probably at a time when she needed friends. Albeit, it's kind of hard to stick by someone when they wanna rip your face off with one wrong word, but it still wasnt right on my part.
I want to put it down to the fact that I was young and didnt understand but I think I'd be lying if I didnt say that I noticed something off about her family. Her father, Martin, scared me so much, and her mother didnt seem to give two ****s about her. I suppose that's where all her problems stemmed from. In a way, I guess she was abused, so it's not really her fault with the way she turned out.
I wish I could have understood a bit more then and realised what she was going through. She was still weird and creepy and dirty, but we could have helped her. We could have at least tolerated her until she left Cocos. We all used to joke and make fun of her, and yes I still tell all those funny stories today, but I do regret them.
I just wish I knew where she was now. What she was doing, how she was. If she has changed, or got worse. I just wish I could apologise.

To finish up I'd just like to say...IT'S FREEZING COLD TODAY! I slept with my jumper on last night. Dont get it! Its' sunny outside and it's not even Winter yet! *pouts* My poor puppy is in her jumper too.


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