Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gargoyles and other randomness

Hey Buddies

Alright, I'm probably gunna babble on and on and on for like ages, mainly cos I really have nothing so say but if I type for long enough maybe the words will flow down through my fingers and onto the kayboard by themselves.

I was a good girl for the better part of the day. Spent 4 hours doing my assignment and got half of it done. You would not believe how fast the time went by. It LITERALLY flew! I started my assignment at about 11am and by the time I looked at the clock again it was already 2:30! I was like "okay...break time, take the dog for a walk..." Whilst in the park I met up with Amy and her lovely puppy, Honey. We talked about loads of stuff, none of which I can mention on live feed but needless to say it was deep girly stuff! Then I came home and watched a couple of episodes of MEDIUM (wish I was Allison DuBois!) and pigged out on S&V chips and maltesers! YUMM!!

Mum and Didi are now currently on Fraser Island doing fun stuff while I'm stuck in boring QLD where the weather wont make up its mind. Seriously. One day is FREEZING cold and the next day its BOILING hot! No wonder my sinus is playing up! Sheesh!

I am TOTALLY obsessed with this old show GARGOYLES! It's an old show but new to me. My friend Chrystal got me into it and I'm glad she did. I dont wanna finish the DVD cos they havent made the 2nd and 3rd season into a DVD! Its totally not fair! I want more Goliathness!!! *Drools* Soooooo hot for a stone monster! And totally chivalrous. Why cant guys live up to those standards. But I shouldnt really be surprised...Gargoyles was created by Disney. What's the saying???....I blame Disney for my problem in finding a guy. Or something like that. Me, like most girls these days, wants a prince to come along on his white steed and whisk me off into my Happily ever after...although I know it's never going to happen. But there's no harm in wishing, is there? Although I'm over guys right now...ARGH! Blur cases the lot of them!

I'm very excited, I should mention. I went to Soul Connection the other day for the Hell of it and walked out with 2 babysitting jobs. So, excited Me who doesnt have a job:S BUT, but but but! Thats not the best of it. One of the psychics there overheard me say I want to work with animals so she is willing to train me FOR FREE how to look after her horses!!! O.M.G! She said she'll teach me to saddle them, groom them, but also how to treat minor injuries and such. SO EXCITED! She's moving house so she said she'd give me a call in about 2 weeks! WOOHOO!

And, on the last happy note i (L) my Venus Fly Trap. It's soooo cool. But it's kinda gross that the fly it caught yesterday and that is stuck halfway in its jaws is STILL ALIVE!!! ARRGH! But it's very interesting to watch. The picture shows said fly and awesome Fly Trap. How cool is it that a plant, which is a type of flora, eats like a fauna. Maybe thats just the nerd in me.

Alright. Bye peoples

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