Friday, April 8, 2011

Day in the life of Moi

I am *so* not with it today. All I wanna do is go back to bed with a mug of hot chocolate with loads of soggy marshmallows. But alas, fate, or moreso my Uni assignments, prevent me from doing this. It is one of those rainy cold days where all you wanna do is curl up on the couch and watch bad daytime TV...*shudder* yeah, I'm not that desperate. My only consolation is that I am putting up with this boredom with my best friend and protector, Aminta-Rose. In case no one knows, Aminta is my 2 year old Groodle "puppy." She just got a new hair cut last week and she looks like a drowned RAT! I'm a mean mummy, aren't I?! I'm currently excited because my Mum and Dieter will be coming over from Cocos for a few days. Probably going to be short-lived cos we get into cat fights pretty quickly. Luckily Didi will be here as the mediator. YOU'RE GAME, MAN! I tried to do some gardening today. If you know me you already know I stay as FAR away from the garden as I can. Who seriously wants to get their gorgeous nails dirty and chipped, I ask you?'s me, trying to be the good samaritine and get the weeding done before the mother comes and flips at the current state of her garden, and LOW AND BEHOLD, what happens??!! I get accosted by a bloody WOLF SPIDER!! ARRRGHHHH!!!! Geez, I hate spiders. I have to admit that I *did* destroy her home when I uprooted a weed, but still! Let's just say I retreated quickly after that and I am now flatly refusing to go back and finish the job. The latest atrocity, however, comes from the News. I get so livid sometimes watching it. Just heard that 4 kids beat a mother swan to death with rocks! HOW DISGUSTING IS THAT!? I am an environmentalist and this kind of blatant animal cruelty disgusts me to no end. It's sad that the father swan hasnt left the nest since it happened. Poor bloke. I hope those kids rot for what they did! that I've let that all out, I feel much better now. However, my epileptic cat, Mia, is doing my head in! She keeps going into my room and sleeping and grooming herself on my new floor mat...her black fur gets all over it! So now I've turned myself into a security guard for my own bedroom and am constantly on patrol so she doesnt break and enter again. Getting citrinella (or however you spell it) tomorrow to spray around my room, hoping to deter her from it. Right...feeding Dog Time...Catcha laterz

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